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Becoming A Digital Youth Talent: The Importance of Understanding Big Data In The Digital Transformation Era

Becoming A Digital Youth Talent: The Importance of Understanding Big Data In The Digital Transformation Era

October 19, 2021

Ayoconnect’s Data Analyst Lead Ihsan Tri Wanda recently shared his experience with undergraduate students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah.

In the session, Ihsan shared the importance of learning to understand and utilize big data for digital talents in this era as it presents numerous opportunities for business growth.

Ihsan explained, “Insight by Ayoconnect and Autorecon are two examples of Ayoconnect's solutions that we made based on the big data analysis. These solutions are proven to be very useful and beneficial for us and our clients.”

Insight by Ayoconnect is Indonesia startup that provide solution that enables talent of the youth to build and verify their customers' profiles from their payment behavior in multiple channels. Companies that use Insight by Ayoconnect could use the solution to develop credit underwritings more accurately, analyze their customers' readiness, or even build a customizable credit scoring model.

Autorecon is a solution that Ayoconnect builds to allow their clients to match transactions across multiple systems seamlessly. Utilizing Autorecon enables companies to save time, improve their operational efficiency, and increase their accuracy.

Ihsan also highlighted that understanding and utilizing big data enables Ayoconnect to create an effective and efficient decision-making process.

“In every decision I make, big data becomes the foundation. It assists me in determining which options I should pursue, and as a result, the decision made is data-driven with a high level of confidence,” said Ihsan.

Ayoconnect is Indonesia’s largest API marketplace and leading Financial API developer. It enables developers to choose from a wide range of financial white-label products on Ayoconnect’s API platform and quickly launch them to their users.

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